
NM Coach Bo

Coach Bo, a National Master, has been playing competitive chess for over 20 years in the state of Texas during which he has won 2 Texas State Scholastic Chess Championships.  He has over 15 years of chess teaching experience, producing State Champions as early as the 1st grade. His interactive and innovative methods of teaching are equipped to take all playing levels to the next level.

NM Coach Bo Githoro
NM Coach Brad Sawyer

NM Coach Brad

Coach Brad, a National Master, has been playing competitive chess for 20 years in the state of Texas during which he has won 2 Texas Scholastic State Chess Championship and a National High School Chess Championship. He has 12 years of teaching experience and has guided multiple students to reach master level. Coach Brad specializes in teaching scholastic chess due to his decorated scholastic experience: over 780 rated tournament chess games.

Coach Adrian

Coach Adrian is a US Scholastic Chess Champion (300 Division), 2011 Texas Open Chess Champion (100 Division), and Susan Polgar’s $100,000 Texas Tech Boys and Girls Chess Scholarship recipient. He has over 10 years of teaching experience and has been a pivotal coach to help lead numerous schools to regional and state championships.

Coach Adrian

Coach Bryant

Coach Bryant has over 5 years of teaching experience and has been integral to helping lead numerous schools to Regional and State Championships. Coach Bryant’s teaching style puts a big emphasis on not only the key chess knowledge all players need, but how a player should think about the game to make the best decision.